Spray San 750ml
Spray San is a Green thin liquid with antibacterial properties. Spray San is a powerful solvent based cleaner and sanitiser that removes the heaviest soils from walls, floors and fixtures, guaranteeing a streak free finish every time. This product does not require diluting eliminating the potential for incorrect mixing and poor water quality resulting in reduced cleaning action. Spray San is safe to use on most surfaces including walls, bench tops, doors, stove tops, microwaves, fridges, sinks, vinyl tiles and shower screens.
- Streak free cleaner
- Specially formulated to penetrate and dissolve dirt
- Does not require diluting
- Contains antibacterial properties, leaving surfaces hygienic
- LF- Low Phosphate
- Biodegradable
- Safe for food processing areas & septic tanks when used according to dilution instructions
Attached is the Safety Data Sheet, available to download.
Sold as each, 750ml bottle
Shipping Weight | 1.0000kg |
Shipping Width | 0.110m |
Shipping Height | 0.250m |
Shipping Length | 0.260m |
Shipping Cubic | 0.007150000m3 |
Unit Of Measure | 750ML |